2023 Alabama Legislative Session: Key Education Policies with Mark Dixon


Education policy in Alabama plays a pivotal role in shaping the state's future. By ensuring access to quality education, fostering educational equity and promoting innovation, education policies have the power to equip Alabama students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive. Effective legislation can empower Alabama's youth, strengthen the state’s workforce, and contribute to long-term economic and social development.  

We had the privilege of chatting with friend of Peritus and president of A+ Education Partnership, Mark Dixon, about the game-changing 2023 Alabama legislative session and its impact on the future of education in Alabama. 

From historic budgets to stipends for educators, Mark tells us what happened during the session and why it is so important for Alabamians to stay informed about education policy in our state.  

  • “The big focus this session was on money - a lot of it. Lawmakers passed an $8.8 billion education budget, the largest in history, and a $2.8 billion supplemental budget of one-time money. That’s more for teacher salaries, key programs like Pre-K and the Alabama Numeracy Act, and new money for school capital projects. And don’t forget those $150 rebates.”

    Read more: Ivey signs ‘record-setting’ state budgets (Yellowhammer News)

  • “The School Principal Leadership & Mentoring Act by Sen. Orr & Rep. Baker provides annual stipends to principals (up to $15,000) and assistant principals (up to $7,500) for completing ongoing professional learning and mentoring for new principals. It passed with little fanfare, but has the potential to have a big impact on schools.”

    Read more: House Committee advances legislation providing stipends to principals who receive additional training (Alabama Today)

  • “State policy impacts all of us, from the education of our children to creating good jobs and a great quality of life. Turn off the national noise and engage at the state and local level. It's where the rubber meets the road.”

  • “Nothing beats Lake Martin. Period. It is my absolute favorite place!”


At Peritus PR, we understand the importance of staying informed and engaged in the legislative process. That's why we've created resources like this to help you understand what passed, what didn’t and what it means for sweet home Alabama.

Peritus’ public affairs team created a handy-dandy #ALPolitics Guide with all the tools you need to identify and contact your state representatives, explore media resources to keep you informed about the Alabama legislature and bridge the gap between policymakers and your community. 

If you’re reading this, you’re off to a good start.


Watch our 2023 Alabama legislative session recap here.