Friday Five: April 12, 2024

The Alabama Legislature is in session, and Peritus PR is back with our fan-favorite #FridayFive legislative highlights series. 

Every Friday, we delve into the legislative “specials” of the week to help you digest the issues legislators have been serving up at the Alabama State House. This week, as we close in on the end of session, we are bringing you a modified weekly special, taking a look back at the bills legislators have been chewing on this session.

If you’re hungry for more, get the full course with our 2024 Alabama Legislative Guide.  


  • In February, the House approved a comprehensive gambling package including provisions for gambling, a lottery and sports betting. However, the Senate made significant cuts to the House’s version of the bill, with the Senate focusing their version on historic horse race betting. The House and Senate remain at odds over the extent of gambling they're willing to accept, with the bills headed to a conference committee comprising three representatives and three senators in an attempt to reconcile differences. There’s still time to pass the bills and potentially present the constitutional amendment to voters, though reaching a compromise remains uncertain.

    Read more: Alabama House sends lottery, gambling bill to conference committee to seek compromise (

  • Gov. Ivey delivered on her promised signature dish this session by signing the CHOOSE Act into law, establishing a voucher-like program aimed at improving educational opportunities for students, particularly those in struggling schools. The bill allows households with school-age children to claim tax credits of up to $7,000 for certain education expenses, such as private school tuition or tutoring. Initially, the program is limited to families below a certain income threshold, with priority given to lower-income households and special needs students. However, there are concerns about how it may impact public school funding, with opponents concerned that the bill will only worsen conditions at Alabama public schools by diverting funding that could address ongoing struggles.

    Read more: Alabama House passes major school choice expansion, $7,000 per student for education expenses (

  • Gov. Ivey signed SB129 into law, banning diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs in state agencies, local boards of education and public institutions of higher education. The legislation prohibits public entities from promoting or requiring participation in DEI programs, with bill proponents arguing that such programs deepen divisions and promote specific political viewpoints. Critics view the move as regressive, undermining progress towards inclusivity, while supporters assert it reflects the majority viewpoint in Alabama, prioritizing fiscal responsibility and traditional values. The bill has been unpopular among some Alabama college students, with University of Alabama system leadership issuing a statement emphasizing its continued commitment to providing open and equal access to resources and opportunities. Alabama’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) leadership also expressed concerns about the bill, particularly how it affects marginalized students and undermines progress towards inclusivity. Despite amendments aimed at safeguarding certain programs, the legislation still raises concerns, especially regarding LGBTQ+ biases

    Read more: Alabama governor signs bill barring diversity, equity and inclusion programs (AP News)

  • Parts of Gov. Ivey’s “Working for Alabama” package have passed in the Senate after some amendments. Gov. Ivey and Alabama lawmakers introduced the package, aimed at tackling the state's low workforce participation rates. Despite Alabama's low unemployment rate, its workforce participation rate has consistently lagged behind the national average, attributed to factors like an older population, lack of affordable childcare, transportation issues and insufficient workforce training. The package includes several bills targeting economic development, workforce oversight, career and technical education, childcare tax credits, housing initiatives and innovation districts.

    Read more: ‘Working For Alabama’ bills pass Senate, but not without bumps (Alabama Reflector)

  • Following a recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling that placed restrictions on fertility treatment in Alabama, the state legislature passed a bill to restore access to in vitro fertilization (IVF), with Gov. Ivey swiftly signing it into law. The legislation provides legal immunity to patients and clinics during IVF procedures, aiming to address concerns raised by a recent state Supreme Court ruling that classified embryos as children. While the bill allows IVF treatments to resume, there's ongoing debate about its breadth of protection and the need for long-term solutions to address the fundamental issues raised by the court ruling.

    Read more: Alabama governor signs IVF bill giving immunity to patients and providers (NPR)


Like curating your perfect plate at Nana’s Thanksgiving, we all have the right to saddle up to the table with our idea of what’s right for Alabama. With this legislative menu in hand, it’s time to decide what is going to hit the spot for our communities, our organizations and our lives.  

Our team has brewed the perfect pairing with our #ALPolitics Guide, helping you identify and contact the representatives serving as head chefs in your communities’ kitchens, explore media resources to keep you informed throughout the session and bridge the gap between policymakers and your community’s table.  

Whet your appetite for a better Alabama — we will see ya here next Friday!  

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Peritus specializes in issue advocacy, stakeholder engagement, government affairs and strategic consulting. Let’s connect if you want to learn more about how state policy affects your mission and bottom line. 

Check out the 2024 Peritus PR Alabama Legislative Guide here.